

Daily Devotion April 03, 2020

Dear Family and Friends, Well week 3 of the quarantine is almost in the books.  I am praying that you all are well and keeping busy with things to do!  I have been reading a ton, playing games with my kids, watching new shows and yes, spending probably to much time on Facebook.  I can’t […]

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Daily Devotional

Our Daily Devotional today comes from the heart of Amy Renberg! I trust this finds you all well and safe staying in your homes!  I must say there have been some real ups and downs as Rob and I are learning to navigate this “crooked stretch of the road” in our lives.  This phrase popped […]

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April 01, 2020

Dear Family and Friends, There is a story that has circulated in my family for some time.  I haven’t heard it in a long time because if my memory serves me correctly, it was a story that my grandpa Page told often when I was younger.  My grandpa was an avid “outdoorsman” as he loved […]

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Devotional March 30

Dear Friends, I hope that this finds you doing well today!  We are in week 3 of the stay at home order, and if you’re anything like me, you may be getting a little stir crazy.  You can only read so many Facebook posts (which can be dangerous) and play so many games of Monopoly […]

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March 27th Devotional

Devotional – March 27, 2020 Hello dear friends, Amy looked out the window this morning and said: “There’s a duck in our yard!”  I hurried to find my phone to snap a picture out the sliding glass door as his female mate flew in to join him and together wandered around our backyard.  I suspect […]

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Daily Devotional March 26, 2020

Devotional for March 26, 2020 Dear Friends and Family of Anchor Point, I hope this finds you having a great day today.  First off, Pastor Rob and I would like to thank you for allowing us this opportunity to share our thoughts with you during this time of uncharted waters.  I must say we were […]

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Daily Devotional

As Amy and I watched with joy our 2 granddaughters on Marco Polo, cooing and smiling (our 2 month old Natalie) and speaking our names as she saw our pictures at the bottom of the screen (23 month old Olivia), it hit me that I haven’t been able to physically hold them for 17 days […]

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Devotional – March 20, 2020

As our plane touched down in Grand Rapids last night, I breathed a sigh of relief and offered a prayer of thanks to the Lord for bringing Amy and I home safely. Pastor Steve and Mia greeted us outside the door of the airport, and we had a LOT to talk about on the way […]

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Church Operations over the coming weeks

Dear Anchor Point Bible Church Family,  May the peace of the Lord be with you! We are writing this letter to keep you updated on what is happening with our church gatherings and events over the next several weeks.  With the outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), the Michigan Governor has put a temporary ban on […]

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COVID 19 Update Regarding Church Services

Dear Family and Friends of Anchor Point Bible Church, We are writing this letter to update some changes that have taken place in the last 24 hours. The decision to cancel our Sunday morning service has been made due to the circumstances surrounding the Coronavirus (COVID-19). This decision has not come in haste and has […]

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