What a great week of fun! Vacation Bible School was a huge success. We had over 60 children attend VBS this year, and 7 of those accepted Christ as their personal savior for the first time, and we had another that recommitted their life to Christ! We had games, snacks, crafts, and even a time where the kids learned our theme songs (and the motions) as well as memorized scripture! They had classroom teaching times that were called simulation stations where each day they learned a “C” word. The words were: Creation, Christophany, Cross, Clouds and Crown, one word each of the 5 days. It started with creation, and we talked about how Jesus existed when the heavens and the earth and all that is in it was created. We talked about Jesus in the Old Testament , Jesus at the Cross, his resurrection, and how he will come for us and we will spend eternity with Him in heaven. It was an amazing week for sure.
We want to thank all those who made VBS so special this year. We had over 70 volunteers that helped with everything from painting posters to hanging slinky’s from the ceiling, to baking delicious treats for the kids. We can’t say thank you enough to all those who helped. This year’s VBS would not have been possible if it weren’t for every single person that was involved. From those who donated props to those who taught, to leading singing, it all made VBS possible. So thank you! God really used you Anchor Point Bible! It made an impact on the future of all the kids that attended! We can’t wait until next year!

Kids walking through the “time tunnel” to get to the atomic assembly!